March by Geraldine Brooks
I'm very very intrigued by this book.
Little woman by Louisa May has always been one of my favorites. I remember reading the entire series, eyes wide, at the gentle fun the book inspired. The March sisters were wonderful role models and of course, my favorite, Jo who I adored, who reminded me so much of myself.
And now, this new book by Geraldine Brooks, taking the view-point of the absent father, John March. It will be interesting to see the Little Women series from the view point of another author for sure.
(Although I dont know how similar it is to the Little Women series. It sounds like a war novel and an idealistic man very much in love from the excerpt I read here)
There seems to be a lot of scepticism about this book though. Is it a sequel? Glorified fanfiction? The review sounded really interesting...war clashing with human weaknesses, rendering Captain March ineffective.
From Geraldine Brooks' website.
In Brooks’s telling, March emerges as an idealistic chaplain in the little known backwaters of a war that will test his faith in himself and in the Union cause as he learns that his side, too, is capable of acts of barbarism and racism. As he recovers from a near mortal illness, he must reassemble his shattered mind and body, and find a way to reconnect with a wife and daughters who have no idea of the ordeals he has been through.
Like I said...intriguing.
Well, the next thing on my agenda. Obtain a copy of this book...
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