Another Announcement
The unseemly and ignominious death of ArthDon't worry. I'm not off the website scene yet.
I'm now, officially, on the web atleast, a Misfit.
Which had Wordpress installed on it. JOY!
So. You can find me there from now on :D
Also here. But more there :)
aha....checked it man!! cool shit... :) now will link that also :D
Hmmm... Y'know, rebellion isn't primarily dead. It's dormant. People of now are just too lazy.
And it's not correct to justify rebellion for archaic laws. Rebellion is a way of getting what we want. And it ends there. Archaic laws, archaic as they are, are an altogether different story.
And when we opinionate, we ought to make informed choices. That's what matters most. And that is not what Antigone did. She was a little too young to rebel, if you ask me, and a tad bit uninformed as well...
As far as Creon is concerned, his law was not archaic. It was just political scapegoating. But then again, there's always a scapegoat, ain't there?
I yawned so much during the first half, it's the second half that caught my attention.
Hmmm... Y'know, rebellion isn't primarily dead. It's dormant. People of now are just too lazy.
Which was exactly my point in my previous post. We see what's happening, we KNOW what's happening and yet we do nothing!
And it's not correct to justify rebellion for archaic laws. Rebellion is a way of getting what we want. And it ends there. Archaic laws, archaic as they are, are an altogether different story.
And what if archaic laws are the reasons why we aren't getting what we want. And actually, I don't quite see rebellion that way. Rebellion to me is about fighting for justice, fighting for rights and knowledge. Of course that IS what we want but when we put it that way it makes us seem as though we are children, throwing tantrums. Which, we aren't. Or atleast I hope so.
And when we opinionate, we ought to make informed choices.
Definitely. I'm completely with you on that :) About antigone as well. When I first read the play, the first impression I got of her was of a whingepot who had no idea what she was getting her head into. But with all the discussions we had, i began to see her in a different light. Still not a very good one though. She was idealistic. She din't know what she was fighting for. There I agree with you again :)
As far as Creon is concerned, his law was not archaic. It was just political scapegoating. But then again, there's always a scapegoat, ain't there?
Indeed there is. In this case, the scapegoats were his nephews. But scapegoating is not right either, yeah? When there isn't scrupulous honesty in our government, what will become of the country?
I yawned so much during the first half, it's the second half that caught my attention.
Hell yeah. That's where all the action is. If you can sit through the whole thing, of course :)
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